In accord with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – available in Czech and English, and in accord with Act no. 110/2019 Sb. by submitting this application or its part I hereby acknowledge that Nadace The Bakala Foundation (seat: Tržiště 13, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, IČ: 27921247; hereinafter „Foundation“) will collect and process my personal information in the scope given in this application form and in the supporting documents (hereinafter „Personal Data“).
I understand that the Foundation processes Personal Data for the following purposes:
I understand that legal basis for the Personal Data processing is the legitimate interest of the Foundation to:
I understand that the Foundation may appoint the Providers of the web hosting, application form software solution and the applications database in order to process the Personal Data on behalf of the Foundation. The Provider shall process the Personal Data solely in the manners and for the purposes defined and/or approved by the Foundation and may not use the Personal Data for any other purpose and may not share it with other entities. The Foundation uses the services of Google Inc., such as, but not limited to electronic mail and data storage and certain parts of the application data may be processed by the Google Inc.
I understand that the Foundation needs to share Personal Data with the members of the selection committee of the Bakala Foundation Journey program. Members of the selection committee may use Personal Data solely for the purpose of the evaluation of the application and selection of the Journey program participants. The members of the selection committee may not process Personal Data once the selection process of the Bakala Foundation Journey program is finalized.
I understand that the Foundation will process Personal Data for the period which ends after ten (10) years from the application deadline for a given installment of the Journey program.
I understand that the Personal Data processing is a necessary part of the selection process and the Journey program fellowship. In such a case where applicant decides to further limit the processing of the Personal Data by the Foundation, the Foundation reserves the right to exclude the applicant from the selection process or even from the Bakala Foundation Journey program as a whole.
I understand that regarding Personal Data I have the right to:
Should you have any further questions regarding personal data protection, please don‘t hesitate and write to
The decision of the committee is final and there is no right to appeal. The organizer reserves the right to exclude an already selected participant from further taking part in the Program at any time before or during the summer course; in that case, the Bakala Foundation will cover the participant’s necessary expenses related to travel to their home country.